The University of Hertfordshire in Egypt, hosted by Global Academic Foundation, is the first full-fledged branch campus of a UK university in Egypt.

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GAF celebrated its first iftar gathering

April 21, 2022

On Monday, April 18th, the Global Academic Foundation held its first ever Ramadan Iftar gathering for its community members. Held in Four Seasons-Nile Plaza, the celebration was an open event to all of GAF community and their families and loved ones. After a delicious and delightful Iftar, the attendees received a motivating speech by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, followed by a welcoming word by UH-GAF’s president Professor Vincent Emery. In addition, Ms. Samia Asaad gave an inclusive and touching speech directed to the community members. Some of the surprises included a fun game of tombola, where the winners won fun and diverse prizes, as well as words of appreciation shared by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Our GAF family certainly enjoyed spending the rest of the evening with each other as they exchanged lovely conversations, group pictures and lots of laughter.

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