Staff Vacancies

HR Manager

Contract type:
Full Time
End Date:


General Responsibilities

The Human ResourceManager is responsible to assist the HR director in developing the department'sstructures, policies, and procedures development and implementation, jobdescriptions for all departments, workload assessment, and any other tasksrequested by the HR Director.Ensure thatthe overall administration, coordination, and evaluation of human resourcesplans, and programs are realized.


- Manage all ODactivities

- Consistentlyrecruiting excellent staff.- Develop,update, and evaluate UH-GAF job Descriptions.

-Responsible for admin staff evaluation and performance appraisal.

- Assist indeveloping and implementing HR policies and procedures.

- Assist HRDirector in identifying the manpower plan and needs.

- Manageand creates reports for audit purposes.

- ConductInterviews and Exit interviews.

- Assist inadministering special projects in areas of pay or others.

- Assist inpreparing the UH-GAF Organization Charts.

- Providesupport to Line Managers and staff to develop the performance and capabilitiesof staff.

- Identifytraining and development opportunities.

- Resolveconflicts through positive and professional mediation.

- Performany other duties assigned by HR Director.



Bachelor’s degreefrom a reputable university.


Minimum 10 years of experience in the HR field with management exposure.


- Motivate,develop, and direct people as they work, identifying the best people for thejob.

- Stronginterpersonal skills are essential; managerial, decision-making, communicationskills, and organizational skills are also useful in this profession.

- Advancedknowledge of multiple human resource disciplines.

- Advancedknowledge of Egyptian Social Insurance & labor laws.

- ExcellentEnglish command.-Strongin Microsoft Office.

- Excellentcommunication skills.-HRDiploma is a plus.

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